Corporate Social Responsibility


Guided by the concept of corporate social responsibility, the owners of the Wind Invest group, i.e. of the wind parks managed by Wind Service, launched in 2015 an initiative called "Żyj z energią - Fill Your Life with Energy". When doing business, we care about social wellbeing, the environment, safety and education, and strive to maintain good relations with various groups of stakeholders. Our priority is to cooperate with them all and act for the local communities’ benefit.

Facebook Żyj z energią


As part of "Żyj z energią" Initiative we aim to:

  • promote child and youth education

    explain to children in a friendly and compelling way what renewable energy sources are; to this end, we periodically hold a Science Festival for grade school students

  • promote creativity

    hold competitions for Rural Community Centers, boosting children’s imagination and creativity

  • promote a healthy and active lifestyle

    be an event partner for sporting events held in the areas where our projects are located, including for the Seaside Fitness Run in Dąbki

  • show that people matter

    support local municipalities, schools, associations, and a variety of charity events